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goss 3 bw

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Cathartic Experience

Cathartic. I like this word.

The definition is: Producing a feeling of being purified emotionally, spiritually, or psychologically as a result of an emotional experience or therapeutic technique.

Purifying, liberating, beneficial and energizing, are some of the words that came up under the Thesaurus. This IS a good word!

I have been wanting to “Blog” for quite a long time now. I definitely have a story to tell, I just hadn’t gotten around to it. Once again, as has happened in the past, a friend started blogging and it kind of kicked my butt in gear to just do it. For some time I had been wondering if I would do it as a personal diary type thing, just to vent and let my feelings out, or if I would share it with others and use it as a tool to keep people up to date on Stellan’s status and our family in general. Those of you who know me well know I am a pretty private person. I don’t like to air my problems and struggles to just anyone and everyone; thus my first instinct was to keep it as a diary. However, I am trying to overcome some of this. So for me this will be a journal type tool. A place to document and record the goings on of myself and my family, but in doing this I am also inviting others to read and share their thoughts and comments.

I am hoping more than anything, that for me, this will be a cathartic experience.

I enjoy writing. I think I am a better communicator through written word. So even if I can feel just a tiny bit more liberated, energized and/or purified through this process, it will be good for my state of mind. It will in fact be cathartic and Blogging will be a positive “therapeutic technique” for me.

I am choosing to start at the beginning - the beginning of this Goss threesome anyway. For those of you who already know our back story, please, feel free to skip to the more current posts. But for me I need to start where we started and work my way through. Thank you for joining me in this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I totally agree... although not really a private person myself (which maybe I need to learn a little reservation!) I too find it therapeutic to journal my thoughts, feelings, and daily occurences of life. Looking forward to getting to know you even better my dear friend. Yes, you do have a story to tell, and I am so happy to be apart of it. Can't wait to read what happens next! xoxo
